Promoting the appropriate and sustainable use of plant protection products and biocidal products in agriculture by providing training and information. Environmental restrictions relating to such products (prohibition of use in groundwater areas, buffer zones along water bodies, restriction on repeated use in the same area of field during consecutive years) are reviewed as part of surface water and groundwater monitoring carried out by authorities.
Implementation has started. (The implementation of one or more planned elements of the measure is underway.)
Training has been organised for professional users of plant protection products. In addition, plant protection is part of the Neuvo2020 (‘Advice 2020’) measure for farmers. The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) has published an updated National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products, which seeks to reduce risks posed by the use of plant protection products. The action plan has a broad-based steering group, with representatives from various stakeholder groups, which is responsible for the implementation of the action plan. The plan is being updated in 2023.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF, as the first responsible party), Ministry of the Environment (YM)
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes), ELY Centres, producer and advisory service organisation, Agency for Rural Affairs (Mavi; merged into the Finnish Food Authority on 1 January 2019)