Implementing the Strategy for Protection and Restoration of Small Water Bodies.
Completed. (All the elements of the measure have been completed both in terms of time and at all planned locations. If a measure consists of an unlimited continuum of measures, a measure can be regarded as having been completed once the first sub-measure has been completed.)
The Strategy for Protection and Restoration of Small Water Bodies has been promoted in the EU LIFE Freshabit project. A new method for assessing the state of small water bodies has been developed in an R&D project. Since 2020, restoration has been promoted through the small water bodies theme of the Helmi habitats programme.
Ministry of the Environment (YM, as the first responsible body), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), ELY Centres, forest owners, Finnish Forest Centre, Metsähallitus, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), advisory service organisations, fisheries regions, owners of water areas, water protection associations