Ensuring that the effects of acid sulphate soils and their cultivation are incorporated into national and regional programmes.
Implementation has started. (All the elements of the measure have been completed both in terms of time and at all planned locations. If a measure consists of an unlimited continuum of measures, a measure can be regarded as having been completed once the first sub-measure has been completed.)
The interim assessment of the strategy for acid sulphate soils has been completed. Good progress has been made in the promotion of mapping, policy instruments, research and practical measures. More efforts are still needed to ensure precision mapping and measures in the most difficult areas and to take the issue into account in forestry areas and urban construction. Progress of the strategy was monitored again in 2022 and needs for further measures were identified. Approximately 50% of the measures to control acidity have been implemented. The general survey of acid sulphate soils has progressed well, but the rates of implementation of measures relating to grass on acid sulphate soils and farm-specific advisory services, for example, are less than 10%.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF, as the first responsible party), Ministry of the Environment (YM)