Enhancing and developing the use of geographic information tools and data, such as laser scanning data, in the planning of water protection measures in forest management.
Implementation has started. (The implementation of one or more planned elements of the measure is underway.)
The development and use of geographic information tools have accelerated as information on forest resources, laser scanning data and other information have developed and openness has increased. An open service providing geographic data sets on nature management has been produced, and operators have been provided with training on the use of the data sets as part of the Monimetsä (‘Multiple-use forest’) project. Experts providing advice to forest owners have been provided with training in the use and presentation of geographic data sets on water protection.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)
Tapio Ltd, Finnish Forest Centre, Metsähallitus, Forest Management Associations, forestry service providers, Aalto University, University of Helsinki, National Land Survey of Finland, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), ELY Centres