Developing aquaculture facility types and wastewater treatment methods that promote water protection in fish farming.
Implementation has started. (The implementation of one or more planned elements of the measure is underway.)
Technologies and value chains have been developed as part of the development plan on the blue bioeconomy as well as with funding provided by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for innovations.
A pilot facility funded under the key project on the blue bioeconomy of Prime Minister Sipilä’s Government was completed at the Laukaa unit of the Natural Resources Institute of Finland (Luke) to develop and examine recirculating aquaculture methods and water quality management solutions suitable for Finnish fish farms. The domestic fish promotion programme and the updated Aquaculture Strategy promote recirculating aquaculture methods and profitability.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)
ELY Centres, Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVIs), Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), fish farmers, equipment manufacturers, technology companies