Progress of the measures



Under the measure, projects have been implemented to determine the range of impulsive noise caused by underwater construction work, assess its effects and carry out a literature review on underwater noise reduction measures. In addition, information on impulse noise events on the coast of Finland has been collected as part of the HELCOM HOLAS 3 reporting. As the objectives of the measure have not been fully met, work will continue in the programme period 2022–2027 under the measure “Reducing underwater noise associated with marine construction and other activities (TPO2022-MELU2)”.


Boating and other motorised actions are significant sources of underwater and above-water noise. Sometimes the human actions, careless of environment, are caused by nonchalance, but in case of underwater noise, often also due to lack of information.

In the first phase of the measure, information is collected of underwater and above-water noise levels caused by human actions relative to levels of natural noises. In the second phase, species-specific harm connected to a certain time and place is evaluated. Based on the study and where the information on the impact of noise on sea populations requires, the information collected will be used as a basis for measures to reduce noise in the marine areas. Measures to be used can be an information campaign on the effects of noise and noise reduction measures. Other measures could include regional recommendations and restrictions of use in the noise sensitive areas, as well as technical instructions on e.g. boats or their speed limits to reduce noise.


Review: 2016–2018
Implementation: 2016–2021


Ministry of the Environment

Projects to be carried out under the measure

Baltic Sea Information on the Acoustic Soundscape (BIAS)Toggle
As part of Helsinki and Turku’s third Baltic Sea Action Plan 2019–2023, the cities will determine their underwater noise situation, identify and map areas and sites sensitive to underwater noise, collect information on underwater noise in major water construction and shipping lane projects and prepare further actions for reducing underwater noise (actions 46–49) (Baltic Sea Challenge).Toggle
Determining the areas affected by underwater noise for the purposes of maritime spatial planning and mitigating adverse effectsToggle