Implementation started
The measure will continue in the programme period 2022–2027. A project is being prepared to identify the adverse effects of small-scale dredging and measures to reduce them, as well as to address bottlenecks related to reporting and permit procedures.
Further development of information systems (e.g. VESTY) for the monitoring and controlling of dredging. Spatial databases would be used in monitoring and controlling to evaluate the effects on for example underwater species and habitat types and to intensify the monitoring. Information systems should be developed, so that they will support even the monitoring of dredging by enabling an assessment of the surface area effected by dredging. The above-mentioned information could also be combined with frequent air photography. An evaluation is drawn up of combined regional effects of all dredging on the state of marine environment. Dredging contractors should be informed about the combined effects and the importance of reporting practises. These measures would improve the monitoring of regional effects of dredging and compliance with legislation and rules. The information can also be used to evaluate current practices and the need to improve legislation of dredging.
Ministry of the Environment