Under the measure, new methods applicable to flowing bodies of water were developed to reduce the loading of suspended solids and nutrients, such as a biological purification method based on biochar. In addition, many fishways and streams have been restored and improved. The measure has been completed, but different types of actions to restore flowing bodies of water will continue through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s NOUSU programme, for example. The programme focuses on enhancing the living conditions for migratory fish and restoring their natural reproduction in flowing bodies of water in Finland.
The loading of nutrients and suspended solids causes eutrophication of the receiving marine environment. Furthermore, they disturb the reproduction of sensitive marine species (fish, mussels) in flowing bodies of water and streams before they flow into the sea. Various threatened species of fish with spawning season in fall reproduce either in the sea or flowing bodies of water, but they live the biggest part of their lives in the sea where they build an integral part of the population in the sea.
Measures which are currently available are not sufficient to reduce the loading of nutrients and suspended solids from the catchment areas and from point loads to flowing bodies of water and through them to the Baltic Sea. Therefore, it is reasonable to include the measure in the Programme of measures of the marine strategy, even though the direct targets of the measure consist of the catchment areas of the flowing bodies of water.
New methods to decrease the loading of nutrients and suspended solids are developed in the measure, and pilot projects are implemented on suitable areas of flowing bodies of water and their catching areas, especially in areas where there are significant populations of species that reproduce in streams but live mainly in the sea. The measure also studies the effects on nutrition loads and contents in the water bodies.
Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry