Progress of the measures



As the objectives of the measure have not been fully met, work will continue in the programme period 2022–2027 under the measures “Expanding the protected area network to safeguard marine biodiversity (TPO2022-LUONTO1)” and “Improving the effectiveness of conservation in marine protected areas (TPO2022-LUONTO2)”. In addition, some of the actions under the measure will be implemented under the BIODIVERSEA project.


Sub-measure 1
Inside the protected areas, human activities, such as boating, fishing, recreational use and shipping, can cause various disturbances to the species, for example to nesting birds, to living conditions of the species and to biotopes (biotopes according to the Annex I of the Habitats Directive and HELCOM HUB). The disturbances can occur underwater or above-water, and they can include, for example, visual disturbances, beaching, and camping. To meet the conservation objectives, necessary restrictions to the aforementioned activities can be included in the maintenance and usage plans in the protected areas, considering, however, the safety aspects of shipping, such as speed limitations and waterway maintenance requirements. Travel can be controlled or restricted in the area with restrictions introduced in the local ordinances. The measure will implement temporal and/or regional restrictions on the protected marine areas, and their aim is to improve the status and living conditions of marine species and biotopes. An information campaign will be created about the new restrictions on the protected area to promote the changes and their reasons and effects.

Sub-measure 2
By analyzing protection order information and related location data with stress reports, the protection efficiency of privately protected areas, the functionality and efficiency of the entire marine protection network, and the internal interaction of the protection network is evaluated. The collection of protection orders also enables more efficient communication about permissible, restricted, and prohibited activities in each area. In the first phase of the measure, protection orders from all private marine protection areas are gathered into an electronic database, including the location data for each area. During the following phases, the data is used to analyze protection efficiency, and during the final phase, the permissible and restricted activities are communicated.

Sub-measure 3
Decisions will be made on complementing opportunities for marine national parks, based on the evaluation by Metsähallitus.


Ongoing since 2016


Ministry of the Environment

Projects to be carried out under the measure

Seamless Bothnian Bay (SEAmBOTH)Toggle
CoastNet LIFEToggle
Improving and considering the conservation of marine areas in maritime spatial planning (Status2)Toggle