Under the measure, guidelines were drawn up for the activities, titled ”Merihiekan ja merenalaisten mineraalivarantojen kestävä käyttö” (‘Sustainable use of sea sand and subsea mineral resources’, in Finnish, with English abstract, They summarise good practices to promote the sustainable use of seabed sand and mineral resources and control the harm caused by the operations, and the related research and development needs. Work under the measure will continue in a project focussing on legislation concerning the extraction of seabed mineral resources.
The main problems in marine sand and aggregate extraction are usually considered to be the erosion risk of the shores and the adverse effects on the fishing industry caused by extraction actions. As a result of marine sand and aggregate extraction, there are topographical changes in the seabed. The scope and duration depend on the extraction method and special characteristics of the area. Topographic changes in the seabed influence the flow conditions, and the effects can be reflected outside of the extraction area. This measure drafts the legislation for use, planning and research of land and marine areas to support the sustainable use of seabed resources. In addition, in accordance with Baltic Sea Action Plan of Finland, a marine sand and aggregate extraction plan covering all the coastal areas of Finland will be drafted to control the adverse effects of extraction.
Ministry of the Environment