Progress of the measures



Under the measure, the amount of PCDD/F and mercury loading from the Kymijoki river was first assessed. The results of the report were specified in more detail through a further study, which investigated both current and historical loads from the Kymijoki river on the coastal marine area by developing predictive models for PCDD/F and mercury compounds to examine long-term contaminant loads. The plan is to monitor contaminant loads in the future.


The Kymijoki river is the most significant single source of dioxins in the Baltic Sea. Contamination of the bottom sediment dates to the previous industrial operations. Renovation of the river has been studied, but after the evaluation of the environmental effects, it was decided that none of the alternatives for renovation were especially beneficial for the environment and the renovation actions were dropped. At the same time, it was pointed out that the monitoring must be continued. Dioxin and furan contents in the fish are monitored at low incidence, but there has been no monitoring of the dioxin loading in rivers which flows with sediment substances and sediment into the Gulf of Finland. Monitoring, however, is essential, so that the even or slightly decreasing dioxin loading in the sea can be verified.

The measure studies sediment contamination with dioxins in the river Kymijoki estuary and contents of dioxin and furan in marine sediments in the outer marine area in the sphere of influence of the Kymijoki river.  The loading via the river into the sea is evaluated once during a management plan period.  The aim is to verify the volumes and changes in dioxin and furan loading which flows through the Kymijoki river into the Gulf of Finland. Decrease of loading in the Kymijoki river decreases the concentration of dioxin and furan in the Baltic Sea sediment and can promote the decrease of concentrations in fish in the Kymijoki river sphere of influence to a level which is under the limit set by the EU water directive and contaminants regulation (EC) No 1881/2006, (EC) No 1259/2011).


Until the end of year 2020


Ministry of the Environment

Projects to be carried out under the measure

Plan for the assessment of PCDD/F and mercury loading from the Kymijoki riverToggle